The Monthly Mean SST Anomalies are created using the daily time series (since 1993- present) of IMOS L3SM-1d night-only SST (QL>=4). The SST observations for each of the smaller map regions are converted to anomalies using the SSTAARS climatology then averaged spatially and over each month.
Accessing the full SST dataset of almost 30 years of daily data has been made feasible with the help of Edward King in the IMOS Satellite Remote Sensing sub-facility which has reformatted the data for rapid access as a time series. These time series underpin the SSTAARS climatology and are the pre-cursor to the AODN providing similar access in the near future.
Plots are updated daily. The estimate of the monthly average for the latest month is only a draft estimate. It is first included in the plots after the 15th of the month and updated daily as more data becomes available.