OceanCurrent - current meters

Details of Deepwater ADCP + ADV deployments

Headline: Sub-facility/Station_name, latest position
Column headings:
counter (if boldface, click to read about issues with the processing or file metadata)
iz: z position (for multi-instrument moorings), inferred from
zc: the central depth of the sensed zone
z: instrument_nominal_depth. h: site_nominal_depth
dz: difference of instrument depth (according to the pressure data) from nominal:- (0 5 50 95 100) percentile values.
lat, lon: position
dt as(ync): sampling interval and asynchronicity (offset from a reference metronome) of instrument
length: time interval between: 1) start and end dates in the filename, 2) start and end of the time record in the file (time_all), and 3) deployment and retrieval detected in the pressure record (time_good)
dt_start: [min(time_all) min(time_good)]-t_start_filename,
dt_end: [max(time_good) max(time_all)]-t_end_filename,
min-T-max: temperature range,
mag: correction for magnetic declination
Tidal analysis (summary): Major axis amplitude a(cm/s), direction θ(°T) and Greenwich phase g(°) for the constituents listed, analysed for each deployment and for the whole record (using the depth-average data from instruments with iz=1).
cor err: time correction applied (by us) to the data, and time error (re-)estimated from lagged u_tr = rms(obs-tide). u_tr(lag) before and after corrections.
TBv Toolbox version that produced the netcdf file.
deployment name: station-time-ADCP_type-depth (click to see time-series plot of u,v, etc).
[current meters] [top] SOTS SOFS POLYNYA1 POLYNYA2 TOTTEN1 TOTTEN2 TOTTEN3 [data file issues]

1 SOTS 46.11°S, 142.31°E Plots Data files
i izzc z h dz lat lon dt as lengthdt_startdt_end min-T-max magM2 S2 N2 O1 K1 cor erru_trTBvdeployment name
m m°S °Eminsdayshh °C °a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°minscm/s
1 8 272 501 4624 -7 2 4 5 6 46.66 142.06 60 5 178 179 171 0 34 -125 23 7.53 10.1 13 1 65 220 1 61 328 0 -87 335 0 -71 278 0 -18 207 0 - 20 RC2 SOFS-3-2012-Long-Ranger-Workhorse-ADCP-501
2 16 1224 1215 4500 -1 0 6 10 17 46.84 141.68 20 0 467 467 446 0 3 -510 3 2.54 5.26 13 2 81 228 1 -37 82 0 -82 28 0 -67 116 1 -71 126 0 - 12 RC2 SAZ47-15-2012-Aquadopp-Current-Meter-1215
3 17 1303 1200 4500 63 63 65 79 139 46.79 141.82 20 0 709 709 664 12 164 -907 7 2.25 5.04 13 1 -87 48 0 -82 18 0 77 199 0 -87 106 1 -72 128 0 - 15 RC2 SAZ47-16-2013-Aquadopp-Current-Meter-1200
4 8 274 500 4624 -4 4 7 8 9 46.78 141.99 60 10 175 175 166 2 62 -155 2 7.63 10.1 14 1 54 253 1 -14 79 0 -13 10 0 -15 175 0 85 136 0 - 21 RC2 SOFS-4-2013-Long-Ranger-Workhorse-ADCP-500
5 16 1257 1100 4500 154 154 155 157 160 46.82 141.66 20 0 368 368 357 0 152 -102 4 2.3 5.29 13 2 89 236 0 -59 53 0 -37 99 0 -70 118 1 -77 117 0 - 11 RC2 SAZ47-17-2015-Aquadopp-Current-Meter-1100
6 8 275 500 4624 -3 4 8 9 10 46.67 142.07 60 5 402 402 387 1 41 -323 1 7.34 9.97 14 1 83 226 0 58 318 0 -89 53 1 -66 137 1 -65 114 0 - 25 RC2 SOFS-5-2015-Long-Ranger-Workhorse-ADCP-500
7 16 1185 1200 4500 -26 -24 -23 -18 -2 46.78 141.84 20 0 374 374 368 12 106 -30 1 2.87 5.52 14 2 -84 56 1 -35 59 0 81 202 0 -79 108 1 -83 110 0 - 11 RC2 SAZ47-18-2016-Aquadopp-Current-Meter-1200
8 15 1097 1200 4500 -139 -138 -136 -114 -66 46.11 142.31 20 0 359 359 353 0 104 -31 3 3.17 6.22 14 2 -68 67 0 -15 103 1 -79 47 1 -75 106 1 -71 119 0 - 21 RC2 SAZ47-19-2017-Aquadopp-Current-Meter-1200
using all inst. 2 -85 55 0 -40 66 0 -84 39 0 -77 111 1 -74 121

2 ASFS/SOFS 46.67°S, 142.07°E Plots Data files
i izzc z h dz lat lon dt as lengthdt_startdt_end min-T-max magM2 S2 N2 O1 K1 cor erru_trTBvdeployment name
m m°S °Eminsdayshh °C °a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°minscm/s
9 7 200 - - - 46.72 141.87 30 0 399 399 398 12 17 2 7 NaN NaN 12 1 75 249 1 -41 100 0 -9 151 0 -39 151 0 -69 158 0 - 23 RC2 200m
10 3 30 - - - 46.72 141.87 30 0 126 126 126 12 17 13 18 NaN NaN 12 2 -87 52 0 -30 56 1 84 237 0 -78 21 1 -67 125 0 - 30 RC2 30m
11 2 11 1 4624 -1-1 0 0 0 46.78 141.99 60 0 163 185 166 -192 -61 14 340 8.11 12 13 2 -30 164 2 -46 186 2 -38 275 1 75 246 3 89 73 0 - 96 RC2 SOFS-4-2013-Aquadopp-Profiler-1.01
12 2 12 1 4624 -1 0 0 0 1 46.67 142.07 10 5 402 403 388 0 56 -287 23 7.86 14.3 14 0 54 228 0 84 314 0 73 261 0 -16 335 1 71 91 0 - 64 RC2 SOFS-5-2015-Aquadopp-Profiler-1.01
13 7 200 200 4624 0 0 0 0 0 46.67 142.07 15 0 395 395 395 0 3 2 4 NaN NaN 14 1 90 231 0 -61 110 0 -87 84 0 -71 134 0 -64 147 0 - 23 RC2 SOFS-5-2015-Sea-Guard-200
14 13 800 800 4624 0 0 0 0 0 46.67 142.07 15 0 395 395 395 0 3 2 4 NaN NaN 14 1 81 225 0 85 221 0 -62 89 0 -56 148 1 -80 147 0 - 20 RC2 SOFS-5-2015-Sea-Guard-800
using all inst. 1 78 241 0 -82 135 0 65 242 0 -89 93 0 86 28

[current meters] [top] SOTS SOFS POLYNYA1 POLYNYA2 TOTTEN1 TOTTEN2 TOTTEN3 [data file issues]

3 DA/POLYNYA1 66.2°S, 143.47°E Plots Data files
i izzc z h dz lat lon dt as lengthdt_startdt_end min-T-max magM2 S2 N2 O1 K1 cor erru_trTBvdeployment name
m m°S °Eminsdayshh °C °a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°minscm/s
15 23 296 513 542 14 14 15 15 15 66.2 143.47 80 0 19 19 4 0 348 -13 0 -2.92 -0.91 17 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 - - RC2 POLYNYA1-WORKHORSE-ADCP-3758
using all inst. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

4 DA/POLYNYA2 66.2°S, 143.21°E Plots Data files
i izzc z h dz lat lon dt as lengthdt_startdt_end min-T-max magM2 S2 N2 O1 K1 cor erru_trTBvdeployment name
m m°S °Eminsdayshh °C °a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°minscm/s
16 23 329 564 593 12 12 13 14 14 66.2 143.21 80 0 15 15 1 0 324 -12 1 -2.92 -0.9 17 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 - - RC2 POLYNYA2-WORKHORSE-ADCP-9788
using all inst. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[current meters] [top] SOTS SOFS POLYNYA1 POLYNYA2 TOTTEN1 TOTTEN2 TOTTEN3 [data file issues]

5 DA/TOTTEN1 66.54°S, 119.21°E Plots Data files
i izzc z h dz lat lon dt as lengthdt_startdt_end min-T-max magM2 S2 N2 O1 K1 cor erru_trTBvdeployment name
m m°S °Eminsdayshh °C °a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°minscm/s
17 23 393 678 707 1 2 3 4 5 66.54 119.21 80 0 333 334 318 0 363 -9 23 -1.1 1.46 -1 1 79 263 1 74 309 0 73 224 1 -78 227 1 -69 241 0 - 9 RC2 TOTTEN1-WORKHORSE-ADCP-14489
using all inst. 1 79 263 1 74 309 0 72 224 1 -78 227 1 -69 241

6 DA/TOTTEN2 66.21°S, 120.63°E Plots Data files
i izzc z h dz lat lon dt as lengthdt_startdt_end min-T-max magM2 S2 N2 O1 K1 cor erru_trTBvdeployment name
m m°S °Eminsdayshh °C °a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°minscm/s
18 23 277 471 500 12 13 13 14 16 66.21 120.63 80 0 333 334 305 0 459 -207 21 -1.8 1.09 0 1 41 228 1 47 283 0 37 203 1 76 12 1 -86 228 0 - 9 RC2 TOTTEN2-WORKHORSE-ADCP-14397
using all inst. 1 41 228 1 47 283 0 37 203 1 76 12 1 -85 228

[current meters] [top] SOTS SOFS POLYNYA1 POLYNYA2 TOTTEN1 TOTTEN2 TOTTEN3 [data file issues]

7 DA/TOTTEN3 66.5°S, 120.46°E Plots Data files
i izzc z h dz lat lon dt as lengthdt_startdt_end min-T-max magM2 S2 N2 O1 K1 cor erru_trTBvdeployment name
m m°S °Eminsdayshh °C °a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°minscm/s
19 23 300 520 549 10 11 12 13 14 66.5 120.46 80 0 333 334 295 0 713 -209 21 -1.79 1.13 0 1 78 268 0 81 330 0 75 247 1 76 44 1 -81 259 0 - 7 RC2 TOTTEN3-WORKHORSE-ADCP-14462
using all inst. 1 78 268 0 82 331 0 75 247 1 77 44 1 -81 259

Datafile issues

0 files had fatal issues: (for this script) and were skipped for the reason given:

16 files had non-fatal issues:

1: Depth variable is shorter than time variable, so using pres_rel.

2: End-time of good data in file 08-Oct-2013 17:40:00Z differs by -21d from filename.

3: End-time of good data in file 28-Feb-2015 05:01:40Z differs by -38d from filename.

4: Depth variable is shorter than time variable, so using pres_rel.

5: End-time of good data in file 13-Apr-2016 12:45:00Z differs by -13d from filename. Depth variable is shorter than time variable, so using pres_rel.

6: no Instrument Nominal Depth No magdec info as (U/)VCUR attribute. Using 12. Temperature data incomplete.

7: no Instrument Nominal Depth No magdec info as (U/)VCUR attribute. Using 12. Temperature data incomplete.

8: Height Above Sensor actually means Below (CONTRARY to what attribute says)

9: End-time of good data in file 14-Apr-2016 00:30:00Z differs by -12d from filename.

10: Temperature data incomplete.

11: Temperature data incomplete.

12: variable names are unusual, e.g. BIN_DEPTH instead of HEIGHT_ABOVE_SENSOR Start-time of good data in file 24-Jan-2011 12:00:00Z differs by 15d from filename. No magdec info as (U/)VCUR attribute. Using 17.

13: variable names are unusual, e.g. BIN_DEPTH instead of HEIGHT_ABOVE_SENSOR Start-time of good data in file 23-Jan-2011 12:00:00Z differs by 14d from filename. No magdec info as (U/)VCUR attribute. Using 17.

14: variable names are unusual, e.g. BIN_DEPTH instead of HEIGHT_ABOVE_SENSOR Start-time of good data in file 19-Feb-2014 02:40:00Z differs by 15d from filename. No magdec info as (U/)VCUR attribute. Using -1.

15: variable names are unusual, e.g. BIN_DEPTH instead of HEIGHT_ABOVE_SENSOR Start-time of good data in file 23-Feb-2014 02:40:00Z differs by 19d from filename. No magdec info as (U/)VCUR attribute. Using 0.

16: variable names are unusual, e.g. BIN_DEPTH instead of HEIGHT_ABOVE_SENSOR Start-time of good data in file 05-Mar-2014 17:20:00Z differs by 30d from filename. No magdec info as (U/)VCUR attribute. Using 0.

[current meters] [top] SOTS SOFS POLYNYA1 POLYNYA2 TOTTEN1 TOTTEN2 TOTTEN3 [data file issues]

http://thredds.aodn.org.au/thredds/ABOS/ was scanned at: 24-Jan-2019 13:14:17