SSTAARS (SST Atlas of Australian Regional Seas) was created by fitting four annual sinusoids (and a trend) to 25 years of daily, night-only AVHRR SST, L3S-1d, provided by the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM). The climatology provides a functional form of the seasonal SST for every 2km x 2km pixel which can be evaluated daily and is available from the AODN.

SST: the annual mean and monthly evaluations of SSTAARS SST (without the trend)
Data Count: the total number of days of cloud free SST at each pixel that were available for the climatology for each month - out of a possible 750 days.

Sea level height: seasonal GSLA + OFAM3 mean sea level height, white contours every 0.1m.
Geostrophic velocity: estimated from the sea level height

Bathymetry: We have included a few more bottom contours to help interpret the climatology. The 10m, 200m and 1000m contours of bathymetry in cyan and the 50m contour in dark blue.