OceanCurrent - Argo profiles in the Australian region

Temperature and salinity down to 2000m

[PREV] [NEXT] [DATE INDEX] [What's shown] [Conditions of use]
1900873 1901380 1901403 1901435 1901436 5901628 5901644 5901664 5901679 5901680 5901683 5901711 5901795 5901863 5902080 5902081 5902229 5902257 5903226 5903246 5903251 5903318 5903320 5903378 5903381 5903407 5903632 5903651 5903659 5903668 5903707 5903772 5903796 5903815 5903856 5903908 5903910 5903912 5903913 5903926 5903954 5904227 5904247 5904331 5904332 5904333 5904336 5904375 6900909 6900960 7900307

Click on an Argo float on the map above or select one by [WMO number] to see T & S profiles.

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