OceanCurrent - Argo profiles in the Australian region

Temperature and salinity down to 2000m

[PREV] [NEXT] [DATE INDEX] [What's shown] [Conditions of use]
1900977 1900978 1901130 1901418 1901552 1901663 2901301 2901306 2902581 2902594 5901026 5901385 5901627 5901755 5902254 5902344 5902354 5902366 5902367 5902377 5903221 5903634 5903639 5903702 5903758 5903934 5903936 5903944 5903945 5903948 5904115 5904123 5904248 5904266 5904362 5904374 5904377 5904394 5904436 5904450 5904758 5904890 5904917 5904932 6900896 6900927

Click on an Argo float on the map above or select one by [WMO number] to see T & S profiles.

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