OceanCurrent - Argo profiles in the Australian region

Temperature and salinity down to 2000m

[PREV] [NEXT] [DATE INDEX] [What's shown] [Conditions of use]
2901302 2901349 2902564 2902574 5901386 5901485 5901633 5901754 5902084 5902229 5902347 5902369 5902370 5902378 5902449 5903232 5903585 5903624 5903676 5903796 5903850 5903853 5903874 5903913 5903947 5904110 5904130 5904332 5904339 5904464 5904483 5904570 5904572 5904690 5904692 5904917 5905015 5905022 5905024 5905030 6900936 6901430 6901656 6903183 7900325

Click on an Argo float on the map above or select one by [WMO number] to see T & S profiles.

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