OceanCurrent - Argo profiles in the Australian region

Temperature and salinity down to 2000m

[PREV] [NEXT] [DATE INDEX] [What's shown] [Conditions of use]
1901154 1901302 1901393 1901441 1901838 2902248 4903176 5902344 5902345 5902347 5902352 5902364 5902369 5902372 5902373 5902378 5902399 5902400 5902437 5902466 5902467 5902473 5902477 5902488 5902498 5902499 5903581 5903685 5903909 5903978 5904187 5904253 5904278 5904296 5904344 5904370 5904372 5904375 5904383 5904407 5904435 5904500 5904503 5904505 5904513 5904525 5904535 5904551 5904578 5904613 5904616 5904634 5904684 5904694 5904790 5904816 5904865 5904891 5904926 5904928 5904972 5904996 5905004 5905024 5905028 5905036 5905168 5905179 5905180 5905186 5905213 5905216 5905336 5905375 5905387 5905424 5905436 5905444 5905644 5905662 5905668 5905703 5905714 5905715 5905727 5905877 5905969 5906013 5906038 6901660 6902734 6902941 6903024 6903025 6903223 6903252 7900393 7900682 7900794 7900868

Click on an Argo float on the map above or select one by [WMO number] to see T & S profiles.

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