OceanCurrent - Argo profiles in the Australian region

Temperature and salinity down to 2000m

[PREV] [NEXT] [DATE INDEX] [What's shown] [Conditions of use]
1901734 2902780 2902793 2902795 2902796 2902797 3901905 5902231 5902345 5902349 5902363 5902374 5902379 5902380 5902427 5902434 5902469 5902501 5902504 5903575 5903639 5903702 5903825 5903982 5904058 5904249 5904260 5904272 5904345 5904442 5904512 5904523 5904624 5904638 5904642 5904647 5904676 5904727 5904789 5904801 5904804 5904807 5904861 5904888 5904894 5904913 5904945 5904949 5905020 5905044 5905114 5905129 5905166 5905171 5905173 5905190 5905240 5905249 5905261 5905278 5905296 5905303 5905350 5905372 5905406 5905407 5905411 5905412 5905438 5905439 5905458 5905656 5905673 5905685 5905726 5905772 5905838 5905997 5906111 5906112 5906113 5906114 5906136 5906137 5906198 6901688 6902715 6902760 6902927 6902940 6903215 7900209 7900390 7900615 7900630 7900688 7900869

Click on an Argo float on the map above or select one by [WMO number] to see T & S profiles.

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