OceanCurrent - Argo profiles in the Australian region

Temperature and salinity down to 2000m

[PREV] [NEXT] [DATE INDEX] [What's shown] [Conditions of use]
1901734 2901346 2901520 2902738 2902781 2902787 3901899 4903027 5902345 5902374 5902393 5902394 5902416 5902421 5902430 5902431 5902432 5902433 5902454 5902475 5903361 5903701 5903900 5904116 5904249 5904361 5904403 5904425 5904499 5904512 5904515 5904567 5904605 5904609 5904622 5904652 5904686 5904723 5904732 5904733 5904738 5904795 5904806 5904820 5904826 5904862 5904864 5904894 5904899 5904913 5904942 5904997 5905020 5905044 5905070 5905072 5905103 5905129 5905166 5905173 5905210 5905267 5905277 5905289 5905293 5905331 5905356 5905371 5905384 5905385 5905400 5905410 5905412 5905413 5905425 5905457 5905459 5905643 5905660 5905663 5905677 5905838 5905971 5906219 6902701 6902859 6903024 6903025 7900390 7900615 7900686 7900687 7900688

Click on an Argo float on the map above or select one by [WMO number] to see T & S profiles.

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