OceanCurrent - Argo profiles in the Australian region

Temperature and salinity down to 2000m

[PREV] [NEXT] [DATE INDEX] [What's shown] [Conditions of use]
1901698 1901862 1902075 2902224 2902228 2902774 2903359 4902907 4903000 5901304 5902343 5902345 5902376 5902412 5902436 5902458 5902471 5902472 5902485 5902487 5902496 5902497 5902505 5904048 5904239 5904252 5904291 5904343 5904349 5904359 5904367 5904371 5904392 5904418 5904422 5904494 5904504 5904549 5904560 5904596 5904615 5904650 5904654 5904699 5904794 5904805 5904811 5904891 5904925 5904928 5904929 5905004 5905005 5905024 5905028 5905042 5905064 5905115 5905182 5905218 5905246 5905263 5905315 5905316 5905377 5905387 5905388 5905405 5905434 5905440 5905464 5905665 5905670 5905712 5905713 5905722 5905764 5905770 5905848 5906061 5906064 5906119 5906120 5906137 6903024 6903025 7900393 7900685 7900864 7900900

Click on an Argo float on the map above or select one by [WMO number] to see T & S profiles.

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