OceanCurrent - Argo profiles in the Australian region

Temperature and salinity down to 2000m

[PREV] [NEXT] [DATE INDEX] [What's shown] [Conditions of use]
1901736 1902263 2901346 2901898 2902738 2902782 2902785 2902789 2902791 2902792 3901122 3901160 3901899 4903027 5902335 5902365 5902390 5902392 5902397 5902424 5902429 5902435 5902449 5902450 5902453 5902454 5902475 5902481 5902482 5902506 5903701 5904257 5904339 5904353 5904567 5904624 5904642 5904647 5904723 5904732 5904733 5904738 5904801 5904814 5904820 5904864 5904942 5905005 5905038 5905039 5905114 5905176 5905177 5905188 5905189 5905193 5905206 5905210 5905215 5905217 5905266 5905267 5905289 5905293 5905356 5905385 5905400 5905413 5905432 5905457 5905474 5905640 5905666 5905688 5905706 5905708 5905709 5905856 5905882 5906002 5906038 5906118 5906144 5906145 5906258 5906260 5906261 5906303 5906621 6901843 6903214 7900617 7900793 7900868 7900904

Click on an Argo float on the map above or select one by [WMO number] to see T & S profiles.

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