OceanCurrent - Argo profiles in the Australian region

Temperature and salinity down to 2000m

[PREV] [NEXT] [DATE INDEX] [What's shown] [Conditions of use]
1901302 1901445 2902248 2902804 2902806 2902807 2902809 2902819 3901206 3902210 4903176 5902362 5902374 5902395 5902398 5902436 5902451 5902466 5902467 5902473 5902477 5902488 5902498 5903821 5904116 5904119 5904337 5904375 5904391 5904392 5904441 5904578 5904609 5904629 5904797 5904800 5904846 5904865 5904889 5904943 5905017 5905026 5905170 5905179 5905180 5905184 5905187 5905213 5905238 5905265 5905329 5905343 5905377 5905399 5905414 5905424 5905436 5905444 5905448 5905467 5905472 5905481 5905651 5905668 5905684 5905705 5905718 5905719 5905720 5905772 5905878 5905965 5905998 5906038 5906117 5906151 5906152 5906165 5906191 5906253 5906270 5906316 5906346 5906617 5906618 5906623 6901660 6902939 6902941 6903252 7900609 7900797

Click on an Argo float on the map above or select one by [WMO number] to see T & S profiles.

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