OceanCurrent - Argo profiles in the Australian region

Temperature and salinity down to 2000m

[PREV] [NEXT] [DATE INDEX] [What's shown] [Conditions of use]
1901831 1901838 1902049 1902265 1902266 2901347 2902221 2902594 2902781 2902796 2902800 3901904 4902906 5902348 5902369 5902378 5902414 5902415 5902422 5902431 5902432 5902458 5902469 5902505 5903622 5903971 5904059 5904199 5904357 5904358 5904362 5904370 5904372 5904389 5904536 5904607 5904618 5904623 5904628 5904631 5904641 5904714 5904787 5904793 5904810 5904898 5904914 5905166 5905173 5905178 5905200 5905262 5905304 5905386 5905390 5905393 5905401 5905402 5905412 5905418 5905426 5905434 5905441 5905635 5905646 5905710 5905712 5905713 5905770 5905848 5905966 5905997 5906038 5906138 5906148 5906174 5906176 5906273 5906274 5906313 5906319 5906617 5906618 6902909 6902985 6903767 6903768 6903771 7900111 7900614 7900615 7900616 7900648 7900649 7900905

Click on an Argo float on the map above or select one by [WMO number] to see T & S profiles.

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