OceanCurrent - Argo profiles in the Australian region

Temperature and salinity down to 2000m

[PREV] [NEXT] [DATE INDEX] [What's shown] [Conditions of use]
1901304 1901810 1901835 1902055 2901548 2902222 2902223 2902288 2902801 3901995 3902216 4903298 5902352 5902362 5902374 5902395 5902396 5902424 5902437 5902476 5902500 5902501 5904119 5904279 5904345 5904371 5904441 5904569 5904610 5904616 5904640 5904649 5904651 5904697 5904791 5904798 5904813 5904891 5904928 5904947 5904996 5905004 5905015 5905024 5905027 5905050 5905175 5905179 5905202 5905204 5905205 5905216 5905277 5905330 5905333 5905391 5905437 5905445 5905449 5905450 5905453 5905476 5905642 5905650 5905655 5905659 5905685 5906092 5906102 5906140 5906149 5906170 5906175 5906254 5906259 5906267 5906290 5906304 5906344 5906350 5906406 5906615 6902857 6902905 6902942 6902988 6903220 7900621

Click on an Argo float on the map above or select one by [WMO number] to see T & S profiles.

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