OceanCurrent - Argo profiles in the Australian region

Temperature and salinity down to 2000m

[PREV] [NEXT] [DATE INDEX] [What's shown] [Conditions of use]
1901444 1901741 1901811 1901813 1902033 1902263 2901345 2902794 2902804 2902806 2902807 2902809 2902819 3901122 3901244 4901553 4903190 4903191 4903196 4903199 5901816 5902349 5902363 5902376 5902379 5902380 5902399 5902452 5902483 5902489 5902502 5902506 5903653 5903663 5904257 5904336 5904343 5904349 5904360 5904418 5904452 5904535 5904554 5904612 5904622 5904652 5904737 5904795 5904804 5904826 5904915 5905012 5905040 5905129 5905247 5905266 5905331 5905339 5905384 5905406 5905410 5905416 5905417 5905431 5905446 5905473 5905649 5905656 5905660 5905688 5905706 5905708 5905726 5905735 5905737 5905778 5906038 5906054 5906091 5906118 5906144 5906145 5906166 5906169 5906255 5906257 5906258 5906261 5906265 5906289 5906348 5906370 5906373 5906616 5906624 5906625 5906628 6901656 6901843 6902905 6902924 6902989 6903024 7900115 7900617 7900622 7900627 7900684

Click on an Argo float on the map above or select one by [WMO number] to see T & S profiles.

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