OceanCurrent - Argo profiles in the Australian region

Temperature and salinity down to 2000m

[PREV] [NEXT] [DATE INDEX] [What's shown] [Conditions of use]
1901698 1902049 1902265 2902246 2902295 2902782 2902783 2902785 2902791 2902792 5902340 5902343 5902349 5902367 5902368 5902376 5902377 5902399 5902401 5902426 5902428 5902453 5902491 5902504 5902505 5903823 5904058 5904353 5904422 5904545 5904618 5904631 5904712 5904727 5904729 5904787 5904796 5904807 5904888 5904899 5904913 5905020 5905171 5905240 5905249 5905296 5905303 5905413 5905432 5905434 5905438 5905439 5905458 5905475 5905477 5905658 5905664 5905665 5905673 5905712 5905713 5905769 5905770 5905966 5906002 5906038 5906138 5906142 5906148 5906268 5906273 5906301 5906302 5906347 5906622 5906623 5906626 5906638 5906641 6900900 6902760 6902905 6902927 6902940 6903215 7900896

Click on an Argo float on the map above or select one by [WMO number] to see T & S profiles.

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