OceanCurrent - Argo profiles in the Australian region

Temperature and salinity down to 2000m

[PREV] [NEXT] [DATE INDEX] [What's shown] [Conditions of use]
1901834 1902264 2902738 2902788 2902789 2902790 2902794 2902813 2902815 3901899 4903027 5902376 5902412 5902452 5902475 5902481 5902482 5902503 5903982 5904336 5904343 5904349 5904452 5904567 5904568 5904605 5904624 5904638 5904642 5904647 5904723 5904732 5904733 5904738 5904789 5904801 5904814 5904914 5904942 5904997 5905114 5905128 5905176 5905190 5905200 5905210 5905215 5905217 5905267 5905293 5905350 5905356 5905385 5905457 5905474 5905647 5905682 5905711 5905722 5905848 5905856 5905882 5905975 5906081 5906119 5906120 5906137 5906142 5906147 5906223 5906260 5906266 5906268 5906303 5906310 5906368 5906621 5906626 5906630 5906631 5906638 5906640 5906641 5906645 6902859 6903214 7900614 7900616 7900685 7900866 7900908

Click on an Argo float on the map above or select one by [WMO number] to see T & S profiles.

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