OceanCurrent - Argo profiles in the Australian region

Temperature and salinity down to 2000m

[PREV] [NEXT] [DATE INDEX] [What's shown] [Conditions of use]
1901756 1901811 1901834 1901835 1901862 1901863 1902028 1902224 1902249 1902261 2902228 2902739 2902813 2902815 3901206 4902907 4903000 5902396 5902425 5902437 5902520 5904549 5904613 5904615 5904634 5904699 5904792 5904816 5905042 5905183 5905202 5905236 5905246 5905277 5905315 5905316 5905405 5905422 5905440 5905462 5905469 5905642 5905643 5905650 5905655 5905663 5905669 5905670 5905724 5905758 5905773 5905787 5905878 5906038 5906075 5906118 5906209 5906221 5906253 5906270 5906311 5906394 5906406 5906414 5906422 5906427 5906433 5906457 5906473 5906620 5906625 5906646 5906654 5906656 5906695 5906696 5906705 5906706 5906707 5906736 5906743 6903024 6903808 7900933 7900936

Click on an Argo float on the map above or select one by [WMO number] to see T & S profiles.

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