OceanCurrent - Argo profiles in the Australian region

Temperature and salinity down to 2000m

[PREV] [NEXT] [DATE INDEX] [What's shown] [Conditions of use]
1902049 1902050 1902266 2902287 2902801 2902813 2902815 3901186 3901883 3901960 4903178 4903189 4903289 5902393 5902399 5902426 5902435 5902454 5902470 5902486 5902495 5902497 5904284 5904295 5904543 5904650 5904795 5904820 5905011 5905041 5905050 5905128 5905172 5905214 5905237 5905247 5905285 5905339 5905398 5905406 5905415 5905455 5905456 5905473 5905505 5905517 5905521 5905522 5905658 5905682 5905703 5905712 5905714 5906085 5906086 5906093 5906098 5906099 5906105 5906113 5906138 5906139 5906167 5906168 5906287 5906289 5906307 5906413 5906423 5906424 5906464 5906474 5906508 5906632 5906637 5906647 5906660 5906666 5906673 5906714 6902920 6902939 6902941 6902988 6903024 6903814 7900615 7900617 7900631 7900796

Click on an Argo float on the map above or select one by [WMO number] to see T & S profiles.

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