OceanCurrent - Argo profiles in the Australian region

Temperature and salinity down to 2000m

[PREV] [NEXT] [DATE INDEX] [What's shown] [Conditions of use]
1902033 1902054 2902798 2902799 2902804 2902807 2902809 2902819 3901244 3901914 3901995 4902301 4903388 5902352 5902369 5902378 5902397 5902414 5902429 5902430 5902432 5902472 5902480 5902489 5904585 5904618 5904623 5904631 5904638 5904732 5904733 5904787 5904796 5904807 5904862 5904864 5904942 5905171 5905190 5905200 5905249 5905261 5905289 5905293 5905384 5905386 5905438 5905457 5905474 5905475 5905489 5905493 5905494 5905502 5905503 5905508 5905512 5905519 5905520 5905524 5905705 5905715 5905716 5905717 5905762 5905767 5905768 5905780 5905968 5905970 5906108 5906152 5906192 5906223 5906310 5906368 5906397 5906398 5906459 5906460 5906622 5906638 5906661 5906662 5906663 5906747 5906765 6903024 6903214

Click on an Argo float on the map above or select one by [WMO number] to see T & S profiles.

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