OceanCurrent - Argo profiles in the Australian region

Temperature and salinity down to 2000m

[PREV] [NEXT] [DATE INDEX] [What's shown] [Conditions of use]
1901758 1901800 1901832 1901838 1902261 1902339 2901862 2902221 2902808 2903132 2903451 3901877 3902358 3902364 3902367 3902460 5902369 5902429 5902430 5902432 5902472 5902480 5902490 5904381 5904637 5904805 5904811 5904818 5905304 5905389 5905418 5905426 5905470 5905484 5905486 5905487 5905497 5905504 5905506 5905525 5905543 5905544 5905638 5905642 5905643 5905721 5905724 5905773 5905779 5905877 5906103 5906108 5906140 5906174 5906176 5906251 5906254 5906263 5906300 5906303 5906398 5906406 5906427 5906442 5906620 5906625 5906701 5906725 5906726 5906744 5906746 5906889 5906916 6901983 6902777 6902778 6902857 6902909 6902920 6902939 6902941 6902985 6902988 7900111 7900202 7900649 7900805 7900906 7900909 7900921 7900933 7900937 7900950

Click on an Argo float on the map above or select one by [WMO number] to see T & S profiles.

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