OceanCurrent - Argo profiles in the Australian region

Temperature and salinity down to 2000m

[PREV] [NEXT] [DATE INDEX] [What's shown] [Conditions of use]
1901812 1902054 2902222 2902395 2902808 2903769 3901538 3901539 3901877 3902364 4902300 4903298 5902422 5902434 5902451 5902507 5904616 5904622 5904635 5904642 5904650 5904789 5904793 5904947 5905128 5905193 5905196 5905213 5905239 5905248 5905391 5905392 5905403 5905406 5905449 5905450 5905451 5905453 5905501 5905535 5905540 5905550 5905552 5905553 5905644 5905665 5905715 5905717 5905780 5905966 5906092 5906143 5906152 5906175 5906221 5906257 5906268 5906304 5906344 5906350 5906396 5906425 5906551 5906567 5906570 5906641 5906650 5906659 5906660 5906697 5906698 5906736 5906737 5906777 5906817 5906821 5906827 5906913 5906920 5906934 5907051 6902857 6902942 6902985 6903829 7900811 7900912 7900920 7900938

Click on an Argo float on the map above or select one by [WMO number] to see T & S profiles.

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