OceanCurrent - Argo profiles in the Australian region

Temperature and salinity down to 2000m

[PREV] [NEXT] [DATE INDEX] [What's shown] [Conditions of use]
1901813 1902195 1902330 2902800 2902816 2903468 3902358 3902359 3902367 3902566 4903388 5904618 5904628 5904631 5904638 5904641 5904796 5904810 5904864 5904942 5905173 5905190 5905210 5905240 5905247 5905261 5905269 5905289 5905293 5905386 5905402 5905433 5905457 5905474 5905475 5905493 5905494 5905508 5905512 5905520 5905546 5905643 5905708 5905721 5905724 5905761 5905765 5905767 5905773 5905779 5905842 5905856 5905965 5906059 5906112 5906119 5906120 5906137 5906144 5906146 5906201 5906221 5906272 5906277 5906368 5906428 5906551 5906620 5906627 5906658 5906663 5906717 5906718 5906731 5906745 5906776 5906910 5906916 5906922 5906923 5906925 5906928 5907062 6902924 7900837 7900932 7900942 7900953 7900954

Click on an Argo float on the map above or select one by [WMO number] to see T & S profiles.

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