OceanCurrent - Argo profiles in the Australian region

Temperature and salinity down to 2000m

[PREV] [NEXT] [DATE INDEX] [What's shown] [Conditions of use]
1901838 1902033 1902039 1902264 1902265 2902800 2902816 2902894 3901244 3901916 3901917 3901995 3902364 4903389 5902489 5902493 5904727 5904812 5904945 5905163 5905190 5905244 5905262 5905266 5905292 5905296 5905303 5905389 5905390 5905401 5905407 5905418 5905432 5905439 5905447 5905458 5905477 5905485 5905489 5905504 5905513 5905531 5905543 5905544 5905550 5905650 5905655 5905673 5905709 5905762 5905768 5905769 5905881 5906112 5906141 5906147 5906229 5906251 5906254 5906263 5906310 5906347 5906398 5906416 5906429 5906430 5906567 5906570 5906643 5906705 5906751 5906770 5906823 5906864 5906912 5906919 5907051 5907062 6901979 6903813 6903830 7900625 7900896 7900905 7900937

Click on an Argo float on the map above or select one by [WMO number] to see T & S profiles.

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